One input of VGA signals, one output og VGA signals. _x000D_
One output of Video,one output of S-video. _x000D_
One ACPI of 5V. _x000D_
Resolutions of VGA signals: 640*480@60/72/75/85hz._x000D_
At the same time,output the VGA/VIDEO/S-VIDEO signals._x000D_
Show simulataneously pictures on the monitor and TV._x000D_
Support the systems below: The TV systems of NTSC (Taiwan and USA),NTSC-EIAJ(Japan),PAL(EURO,China),PAL-M(Brazil),PAL-N(Uruguay Paraguay)._x000D_
Support the Overscan and Underscan display mode._x000D_
Convenient to carry because it is light, thin,short and small._x000D_
Volume: 4.33''(L)* 2.2''(W)* 1.42''(H)._x000D_
The instruction is included. _x000D_